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Armenian Shakespeare Association

The Second International Shakespeare Conference

"Shakespeare Between the Crossroads of East and West"

Dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the legendary actor Vahram Papazian (1888-1968)

27th Sept -1 Oct 2018
Yerevan, Armenia

The second ASA conference was co-hosted by the American University in Armenia and the Museum of Arts and Literature and was kindly sponsored by AGBU London Chapter.  Renowned Shakespearean scholars from around the world presented the most fascinating papers on Shakespeare's presence in the East, the West and in the crossroads of the two.

Thanks to each and every participant, thank you for sharing your inspiring research, excellent company and the unforgettable memories.
Looking forward to greet you in Armenia again in coming years! 


Keynote Speakers

Pr. Jerzy Limon - Director of The Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre

Pr. Lisa Hopkins – Head of the Graduate School, Sheffield Hallam University


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